Alpha 2.1.0

Hey y'all again! Today I'm releasing another update to Project Zero. This mainly includes fixes, balancing and some small things being added. It's in alpha after all.

Below is the changelog.

Fixed a bug on Login.
Fixed couple bugs with password protected matches.
Fixed couple bugs on Ticket System.
Fixed Health & Ammo Text color changing when taking damage or shooting.
Fixed & modified BOMB & Elimination.
Modified In-Game Menu so it won't close anymore if you die while having it open.
Removed Friend List for the time being.
Added the "ATTACKERS" & "DEFENDERS" to scoreboard when in BOMB mode.
Added a new feature which allows players to upload their own pictures and other players are able to see it when in-game.
Added Player Profiles which allows other people to click on your profile in a match.
Added Bombsite Icons to the minimap and modified Minimap in general.
Added Room Time to Server List.
Changed few third-person animations.
Modified Container to make it better for BOMB mode.
Increased molotov explosion timer how quickly it explodes without collision.
Updated M9 Inspect Animation.
Updated M4A1-S model and animations.

Thanks for reading and if you haven't already, give Project Zero a try. Have a good day!


Project Zero Launcher Setup.exe 7.9 MB
Mar 25, 2022

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