Alpha 2.0.0

Hello everyone who is going to see this!

This is my first post ever here as you maybe can see.

I decided to post for the first time if this attracts people to go test Project Zero out (which is in alpha, i'm a bad dev and don't get enough done).

Here is a change log for this new update which is basically pointless, because you haven't seen what I have done in the past.

Added new NO-SCOPE kill feed icon.
You will also get score for NO-SCOPES.
Updated headshot icon.
Changed body hit sound.
Added a sound if you hit player's head.
Fixed couple bugs in BOMB.
Added BOMB mode support for Market.
Added new gamemodes Gun Game & Elimination.
Modified the Player UI & BOMB UI a bit.
Shop now shows what level you need to unlocked the item if it's level blocked.
Fixed couple bugs in Shop.
Right next to your player name, I added a text which tells what level you are on.
Modified Updates window.
Now when you win a round in BOMB, it shows a round win "screen" for a moment.
Fixed Level List not working correctly.
Fixed a bug which didn't show Room Chat after a certain point.
Fixed some fences in Container.
Modified how far you can hear footsteps and gun fire in Market and Castle.
Fixed couple textures being buggy in Market.
Reworked whole recoil system. Now every gun has its own "pattern" when standing and crouching.
Changed spread on some weapons.
Lowered AUG Fire Rate from 0.08 -> 0.1
Changed gun sounds on some weapons.

If you read this long, join Project Zero discord server!(link to it should be in the game's page)

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